• Physical Wellbeing
  • Mobility
Woman exercising



Woman exercising


  • Physical Wellbeing
  • Mobility

Promoting Mobility through Nutiani's Nutrition Strategies | Nutiani

Promoting Mobility through Nutiani's Nutrition Strategies | Nutiani

Concept Card: Fortified Protein Powder

Promoting Mobility through Nutiani's Nutrition Strategies | Nutiani

Promoting Mobility through Nutiani's Nutrition Strategies | Nutiani

Concept Card: High Protein Shake

Promoting Mobility through Nutiani's Nutrition Strategies | Nutiani

Promoting Mobility through Nutiani's Nutrition Strategies | Nutiani

Concept Card: Mini Protein Shake

Promoting Mobility through Nutiani's Nutrition Strategies | Nutiani

Promoting Mobility through Nutiani's Nutrition Strategies | Nutiani

Whitepaper: Fuelling Longer Active Lives


Maximising the power of nutrition early and often helps to build strong muscles, bones and joints – critical building blocks of mobility.

Explore our range of solutions, products and resources to drive your mobility product innovations. 

Globally, as people live longer and birth rates are declining, the population aged 65 and over is growing faster than all other age groups¹. In fact, 16% of the globe’s population will be aged 65 or above by 2050. In Europe and North America, this figure rises to 25% by 2050², while in Japan currently already 28% is over 65 years old³.

The World Health Organisation considers mobility a key element of healthy ageing and maintaining mobility is a core concern seniors face. With mobility’s significant influence on independence and quality of life, one of the most pressing questions in the healthy ageing community is; what can we do to improve mobility outcomes as we age?

Mobility empowers independence and longer active lives

1:57 mins

of global consumers (16-54) want to manage their health now to avoid health issues when they are older⁴

of 15-29 year olds said they were moderately or extremely concerned about mobility problems⁵

When asked, 75% of global senior consumers' (60+) say mobility problems have a moderate or severe impact on their current health⁶

Mobility is for all ages 

Although mobility is an obvious focus point for elderly, the latest research shows at least 50% of all adult age groups indicate interest in improving and maintaining mobility over time⁷. 

This is important as evidence shows mobility foundations are established in our youth, and maintained across our lifetime by a balance of nutrition and lifestyle choices. 

Muscle Strength with Age graph Figure 4: Lifestyle impact on Functional Muscle Capacity over Life Course

1: https://www.un.org/en/development/desa/population/publications/pdf/ageing/WorldPopulationAgeing2019-Highlights.pdf

2: https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/ageing-and-health#:~:text=By%202050%2C%20the%20world’s%20population,2050%20to%20reach%20426%20million

3: https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.POP.65UP.TO.ZS?locations=JP 

4: IPSOS – Unlocking Fonterra’s Opportunities in the Health and Wellness Industry – 12 Dec 2021

5: FMCG GURUs: Mobility Trends 2022 (FEB 2022)

6: Euromonitor Health and Nutrition Survey 2021

7: FMCG GURUs: Mobility Trends 2022 (FEB 2022)


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